Vox Anima Chamber Choir

Alexandra Meaders


Alex is part of the second soprano section – what a great line that is to sing…fabulous melodies and harmonies, without having to inflict those super high notes on the world! Apart from being a Mum to her two pretty grown-up kids (well... adults really) her whole life is fairly much consumed by music. It’s not just a coincidence that her surname is the same as the choir's conductor – she is married to him! Apart from sharing this choir, Alex and Jamie also work full time together on their company “Vox Anima London” – you can find out all about it by checking out the website by clicking here.

Having said her life is consumed by music, Alex does enjoy a wonderfully busy life outside of music – she has become moderately obsessed with her new pet – called “Peloton” and finds time to enjoy a work out on it about 5 days a week. Alex also loves the garden and is often out chatting to the plants and trees, tending them and encouraging them to bloom forth! An evening spent with friends enjoying good food and wine is a perfect evening for Alex – if it can be outside in the warm even better. Alex loves to travel – New York is her favourite city in the world (although she cannot say she’s been to ALL the cities yet) but she often yearns for a warm and peaceful beach somewhere too; she has also recently developed a pretty intense love affair with Cornwall…!!! Alex loves books – always wanting to read but not always finding the time. She’ll find it one day but for now she is pretty content with how life looks!

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